OLYMPUS {summervibes}

Prelepi ribarski gradić u podnožju planine Olimp, u južnom delu Pierie, nalazi se na obali Egejskog mora, 33 km južno od Katerini i 43km severoistočno od Larise. Ovaj mali grad poznat je pre svega po tome što se nalazi u blizini antičkog naselja Heracleion koji je bogat svojim prirodnim resursima i njihovim lekovitim svojstvima. Smatra se jednim od najznačajnijih turističkih destinacija u Pieriji od strane Grčkih turista iz Katerini i Larise, kao i iz istočnih zemalja.


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Njegova najpoznatija znamenitost je vizantijski dvorac iz 12. veka koji se proteže od Tesalije do Makedonije kroz veličanstvene i velelepne doline VALE OF TEMPE koje u jesen potpuno dobijaju na značaju zbog svog raznobojnog lišća koje označava početak nečeg novog i uzbudljivog - Zimu i zimske aktivnosti u ski regiji Olimpa koje nazivaju "igralištem Bogova". 
Uzbudljivo, zar ne? :)

A beautiful fishing town in the hills of Mount Olympus, on the south side of the Pieria, located on the coast of the Aegean Sea, 33km south of Katerini and 43km northeast of Larisa.
This small town is known primarily for being in the vicinity of the ancient settlement Heracleion as for its huge natural resources and their therapeutic effect. 
It is considered one of the most important tourist destinations in Pieria by Greek tourists from Katerini and Larisa, as well as from eastern countries.

Its most famous landmark is the Byzantine castle of Platamon from the 12th century that stretches from Thessaly to Macedonia through the magnificent valley VALE OF TEMPE whose colors in the fall gets completely in importance due to the diverse falling leaves and announces the beginning of something new and exciting; Winter and winter activities in the ski area of ​​Olympus called "Playground of the Gods". Exciting, isn't it? :)


Pre samog odlaska na porodični odmor u Platamon dobro sam se informisala o regionu, svim mestima u tom području i o tome šta ona nude.
Na Internetu, naročito na Google, jako malo informacija možete naći o ovom mestu te sam odlučila da Vam makar malo kroz svoje fotografije i tekst prenesem iskustvo i entuzijazam koji sam imala tokom svog boravka tamo.
Ako sam već odlučila da svoj odmor provedem tamo, 
moram se uveriti da je to bio pravi izbor. 

Before the departure for a family holiday in Platamonas I informed myself about the whole region, all places in the area and the activities they offer. On the Internet, specifically at Google, very little information can be found, so I decided, as always, to share my experience and enthusiasm with you through text and photography that I had during the entire stay there. 
Surely, I mean if you decide to spend your holiday there, you must be sure whether it was the right choice.

Počeću sa plažama Platamona, ok?
Prvog dana našeg boravka tamo nisam bila nimalo oduševljena, ali srećom se to kasnije pretvorilo u impresioniranost. Objasniću i zašto...
Dakle, kada odlučite da idete na mesta poput ovih, automobil ili rent-a-car su pod MUST, definitivno.
U Platamonu je obala uska i plaže su šljunkovite, kao i prilaz moru, ali kroz nekoliko metara napred uviđate peščano dno koje more čini čistim i prozirnim.
Zbog izvora sa Olimpa koji se ulivaju u more, koncentracija soli je smanjena u odnosu na Nei Pori. 
Dobra strana svega ovoga je ta što postoji mnogo privatnih kafića na plaži sa suncobranima i ležaljkama (i besplatnim wifi, ha!) koje su besplatne uz konzumaciju pića. U tom slučaju tokom čitavog boravka na plaži dobijate hladnu flaširanu vodu. Potrebno je samo da od konobara to zatražite. 
Kasnije, kada se malo priviknete na vrućinu možete se osvežiti svežim voćem.
Sve plaže se uglavnom prazne tokom pauze za ručak (14-17h) pa sve do skoro sumraka.
To je najsavršenije vreme za plivanje.
Tokom večeri, postavljaju se ogromne svetleće kugle i ležaljke bivaju zamenjene stolovima i stolicama do mora i zvukom opuštajuće muzike.

I'll start with the beaches of Platamonas, okay? 
On the first day of our stay there I wasn't so thrilled, but luckily it was later turned into impressed. I'll explain why ....
So when you decide to go to places like this, the car or rent-a-car are under MUST, definitely.
In PLATAMON coast is narrow and the beaches are pebbly, as well as the access to the sea, but with a few meters ahead you have a sand bottom under your feet which makes the sea more transparent and clean. Due to the casting source of Olympus to that part of the coast, the salt concentration is decreased compared to Nei Pori. The good side of all this is that there are a lot of private cafes along with sun umbrellas and sunbeds  (and free internet, ha!) which are for free if ordering coffee or something. In this case, the staff served bottled water during the entire stay on the beach. You only need to ask for it. 
All the beaches are generally empty during the lunch break (14-17h) used to be up to the dusk. It is the most perfect time for swimming. During the evening, huge light balls are all over the beach and beach chairs are replaced by tables and chairs by the sea with the sound of relaxing music.

PLAY a song


Hotel Royal Palace Spa je sladak intiman boutique hotel koji ima samo 17. soba na raspolaganju.
Predivna letnja oaza mira tokom čitavog našeg boravka iz koje se ujutru pogled iz naše sobe protezao sve do horizonta, a kada padne mrak menjaju ga svetla Halkidija u daljini.
U okviru hotela bar Barcheta je bio naša stanica svake večeri nakon šetnje.
Sjajno mesto u marini, okruženo malim brodovima, jahtama i brodićima za pecanje.
Predivan ambijent koji upotpunjuju evergrin muzika, kokteli  i zvuk talasa koji kad-kad nastaju usled blagog vetra.
Ukoliko se odlučite da posetite ovo mesto bićete oduševljeni osobljem i uslugom, verujte mi. 

Hotel Royal Palace Spa is the perfect intimate boutique hotel with only 17. rooms. It is a beautiful oasis of peace throughout the summer and in the morning the view from our room stretched to the horizont, and when it gets dark the view is changing by the lights of Halkidiki in distance. Within the hotel, Bar Barcheta every night was our stop after dinner. Great place in the marina, surrounded by smaller ships and yachts or fishing boats. Beautiful ambience that complements the relaxing music, cocktails and the sound of the waves, which now and then occurs from mild wind. If you decide to visit this place, you will love the staff and service, believe me.

OKEJ, u Platamonu postoji toliko mesta koje bih preporučila ukoliko nemate PP uslugu u vašem hotelu ili smeštaju ili ukoliko ste raspoloženi da promenite malo svakodnevne rituale i probate nešto novo. 
Na kraju krajeva na moru ste, zar ne? :)

Dakle, "Hasta Luego" je Meksički restoran stacioniran u "glavnoj" ulici Platamona, na šetalištu pored mora. Usluga je brza i efikasna. Osoblje govori Engleski, Francuski i Grčki jezik, a vlasnik je Meksikanac. Nemojte da Vas mrzi i potrudite se da zauzmete sto napolju do mora, dopašće Vam se atmosfera dok budete ispijali meksičko pivo ili koktel (Margarita- jagoda).
Moja preporuka za hranu bi bili Fajitas (Pollo) sa piletinom i California salata. Cene su pristojne, a hrana vredna svakoj centa. I da, zamolite ih da Vam donesu sombrero. Makar dok ste tamo... :)

In PLATAMONAS there are many places that I would recommend you to visit if you do not have PP service in your accommodation or if you're in the mood to change the daily rituals. However, you are at sea,right?! :)

So, "Hasta luego" the Mexican restaurant is stationed in the "main" street of Platamonas, on the promenade by the sea. The service is quick and efficient. The staff speaks English, French and Greek, and the owner is Mexican. Be sure to do your best to wait a little while for the seat by the sea, you'll love the atmosphere while you sip Mexican beer or a cocktail (Margarita - Strawberry). My recommendation for food would be Fajitas (Pollo) with chicken salad and California. Prices are decent and the food is worth every penny. And yes, ask them for a sombrero. At least while you're there. :)

Sledeći je Kymatoligi, restoran Mediteranske kuhinje koji se nalazi preko puta Barcheta bara.
Preko dana u restoranu je jako vruće, ista situacija je i na terasi, pa ga i ne preporučujem baš kao izbor za popodnevne obroke.
Hrana je preukusna, porcije su preogromne, samim tim i cene u skladu sa veličnom porcije što je po mom mišljenju preterano.
Ipak, ovo mesto je sjajan izbor za ljude koji imaju malu decu jer u sklopu objekta postoji privatno igralište.

The second one is Kymatoligi, Mediterranean cuisine restaurant located across Barcheta bar.
During the day the restaurant is very hot, the same situation is on the terrace, so I don't recommend for an afternoon meal. The food is delicious, the portions are way too big, but the prices are also high. This is the perfect choice for parents with small children,though,  because there is a private playground. 

Zatim Xapuc, taverna koja se nalazi na 100m od marine.
Tipična Grčka taverna sa izuzetno ljubaznim osobljem i vlasnicom koja uvek srdačno pozdravlja sve svoje goste, a uza svih njih tih zvuk grčke muzike.
Dakle, dok ste na moru logično je da ćete se truditi da jedete što više sveže ribe i morskih plodova (ukoliko volite!). 
Stoga, moja preporuka za Xapuc tavernu bila bi grilovana lignja, zelena salata sa parmezanom i balzamikom. Tradicionalno jelo  MYDIA, školjke nama poznatije kao dagnje. I sve ovo, naravno, upotpunite crvenim vinom iz domaćeg vinograda.:)
To zadovoljstvo bi koštalo oko 20Eur. :) 
Plus, kuća će Vas eventualno počastiti kriškama lubenice. Ha ha... 

Then, Xapuc tavern that is located at 100m from the marina. A typical Greek taverna with a friendly staff and a nicer owner who always warmly welcomes her guests. So, while you're at sea, it is logical that you eat as many fresh fish and seafood (if you like!) And therefore, my recommendations for Xapuc tavern would be grilled squid, green salad with Parmesan cheese and balsamic. The traditional dish MYDIA, mussels. All this, of course, complete with red wine from the local vineyards. :) All of that would cost about 20EUR. ;) Plus, eventually you will get pieces of watermelon for free. Ha ha ...


U svojoj ogromnoj želji i prirodnoj potrebi za istraživanjem našla sam idealno mesto za svoje aktivnosti na OH-BO Beach plaži koja se nalazi na samoj granici Platamona i Nei Porija.
Ta potreba doza adrenalina skočila je onog trenutka kada sam otkrila sadržaj aktivnosti i koncept same plaže. Neopisiva želja mi je bila da probam Stand Up Paddling?! ;)
Sama pomisao na dasku, preplanuli ten, raščupanu kosu, šareni bikini, sjajnu muziku i odsjaj zalazećeg sunca u moru izazvala je ogromnu euforiju. Ludačku potrebu.
Dugačka i peščana plaža prepuna barova, kristalno čisto more i talasi, yeah!! :)
Potpuno drugačije od Platamona, a tako blizu.
Sam kolorit dok se približavate plaži sa glavnog puta je neopisiv. 

Konkretno OH-BO je idealno mesto za turiste avanturiste, hedoniste i sve one koji vole adrenalin, ekstremne sportove, yogu, dobru muziku i sportske aktivnosti. 
BTW, da li ste probali nekada yogu na dasci za sufr?! :) 
Moj instruktor i master za SUP (stand up paddle), Giannis Vasvatekis ima fantastičan pristup kada su početnici u pitanju, ogromno strpljenje i smiren duh koji je istovremeno veoma živ, energičan i mogu reći havaian. (ALOHA Giannis!) 
Neposredno pred ulazak u vodu sa daskom održava se kratak čas i priprema. Nema straha, samo pozitivne vibracije, i već sledećeg trenutka ste u vodi. Znam, jer i sama imam strah od dubine.
Znate li kakav je osećaj?

Testiranje balansa i smirenosti duha i tela. Stanje uma!
Trenutak u kom ste nalazite na sred mora, jedino hirizont ispred Vas, a iza Olimp koji se gubi u senci 3D efekta ljubičastog i roze neba koje pravi zalazak Sunca.
Osećam se slobodno! Skroz. Sami smo more i ja.
Posle nekog vremena celo telo počinje da boli jer je svaki mišić aktivan, pa je i pad u vodu zanimljivo iskustvo. Mada, meni se desilo samo jednom u pokušaju da izvedem nešto novo. Ne bih bila ja kao ne bih probala da napravim neku glupost. :) 
Dobra stvar vezana za SUP je to što može biti bukvalno svačiji hobi.
Od najmlađih do najstarijih, na dve ili četiri noge. SVAČIJI! 
Povedite svoje društvo ili organizujte sa svojim instruktorima grupni paddling i imaćete najbolji provod u životu, garantujem. 

In my enormous desire and natural need for researching, I found the perfect spot for beachy activities on the OH-BO Beach located on the border of Platamonas and Neoi Poroi.
This dose of adrenaline went high the moment I discovered the contents of activities and the concept of the beach. My unspeakable desire was to try Stand Up Paddling ?! ;)
The thought of the board, tan, salty hair, a colorful bikini, great music and the reflection of the setting sun in the sea caused a huge euphoria. Madman need, for real!
The long and sandy beach full of bars, crystal clear water and waves, hell yeah... :)
Completely different from Platamonas, but so close though.
The colours of the beach, as you approach  from the main road, are indescribable.

In particular, OH-BO is the perfect place for adventure tourists, hedonists and all those adrenaline lovers, extreme sports, yoga, good music and sports activities.
BTW, have you ever tried yoga on the surf board ?! :)
My friend, instructor and master of SUP (stand up paddle), Giannis Vasvatekis has fantastic access when it comes to beginners, enormous patience and calm spirit that is both very lively, energetic and I can say HAVAIAN. (ALOHA Giannis!)
Shortly before entering the water with a board you will have a brifing and preparation. There is no fear, only positive vibes, and in the very next moment you are in the water. I know that feat because I also have a fear of depth of the sea. 
Do you know what it feels like? 

Testing the balance and serenity of mind and body. The pure state of mind!
The moment in which you are in the middle of the sea, only hirizont in front of you, behind you is Mount Olympus, which is getting lost in the shadow of the 3D effect of purple and pink sky - the product of the sunset.
I feel free! Totally. We are all alone, see and me.
After a while, the whole body starts to hurt because every muscle is active, so the falling in the water could be an interesting experience. Although, It only happened to me once in an attempt to bring out something new. It wouldn't be me if I don't try to do something foolish. :)
The good thing about SUP is that it can be literally everyone's hobby.
From the youngest to the oldest, on two or four legs. EVERYBODY CAN DO SUP!
Bring your company, or arrange with your instructors group paddling and you will have the time of your life, I guarantee.

There you could come in the following ways;
  •    Tourist train that runs on the line Platamon- Neoi Poroi, ticket costs 3 euros in one direction. Departure station is at the bar in the picture above (port)
  •      Walking along the coast where you will have a chance to get tanned.
  •        And the third option is to call a taxi, or you call from the hotel or apartment, that will take you to 4EUR to location. 

I tried all three options. When I was leaving took a taxi and walked back along the coast. 

Tereni za tenis na pesku se lagano pune, aktivnosti na vodi su učestalije, konobari nekud žure sa šarenim čašama u rukama (mix raznog voća), muzika se menja u sumrak i plaža počinje da se budi... 

Tennis courts on the beach are full, water activities are more frequent, waiters rushing with colorful cups in their hands (mix fruit juice) and the music is changing at dusk and beach wakes up ... 



Kada veče padne, Platamon se promeni u potpunosti.
Vikednom se nešto čudno dešava i youngstersi iz celog regiona, čak i iz Soluna dolaze da se zabave.
Ulice su prepune, barovi, restorani i pabovi, takođe.
Obzirom da ja nisam fan cipro-a  (rakija sa anisom) i ouzo-a, odlučila sam da svako veče ispobavam nove koktele. Kažem Vam, nešto čudno se dešava u vazduhu, jer ko kog me malo bolje poznaje - zna da nisam nikakav vičan alkos. :)
Za šta god da se odlučite, apetizer koji dobijte uz to je obavezan, zavisno samo od koncepta restorana/bara.
Na svakom ćošku i svuda su ogromne svetleće (solarne) lopte, prigušene sveće i mladi ljudi. Na nekim mestima i oni zaljubljeni tinejdžeri kakvi smo svi mi nekada bili dok se prisećamo pesme "Krivo je more..."- he he he. 

PS. U Platamonu se veče svakog meseca održavaju FullMoon parties - gledajte da ne propustite to ludilo! :)

Dakle, "MARINE" je jedan od najpopularnijih barova koji se proteže sve do same obale mora, a na krovu istog objeka nalazi se fensi restoran "LIVING ROOM" gde možete imate lepu i romantičnu večeru sa još lepšim pogledom.
Preporučujem pastu Bologneze i lingvine. :) Upotpunjeno sa Apperol Spritz-om, naravno.

When night falls, Platamonas is completely changed. On weekends, something strange happens and young people from across the region and even Thessaloniki, come to have fun. The streets are crowded, restaurants and bars, too.
Since I'm not a fan of ouzo and a cipro (brandy with anise) I decided to try something new every evening. every night new cocktails. I'm telling you, there was something strange in the air ... :)
Whichever you choose, it comes with appetizer, depending on the concept of the restaurant. Everywhere you notice lights, solar balls, dimmed lights and a crowd youngsters. In some places  teenagers in love, heh heh. 

"Marina" is one of the most popular bars that spreads all the way to the sea, and on the top of the object is a restaurant "Living Room" where you can have a nice dinner with yet more magnificent view. I recommend the pasta Bolognese and lingvine. :) With Apperol Spritz, must do.

Odmah do "Marine" nalazi se "STAVENTO" čiji objekat se proteže sve do same ivice mora.
Svetiljke obasjavaju more dužinom čitavog pristaništa na kom se nalaze stolovi sa romantičnim svećama i svetlećim loptama. Prepoznaćete ga po obeležju punog Meseca na samom ulazu.
(slika ispod)

Right next to the "Marine" is "Stavento", place which extends up to the edge of the sea with the same lamps and romantic tables along the entire pier. ;) You will recognize this place by the full moon at the entrance. 
(Picture below)



 Planinsko selo restaurirano devedesetih godina prošlog veka. 

Sa 500m nadmorske visine pogled koji se pruža na Thermaikos zaliv je božanstven.
Put donjeg Olimpa koji vodi do sela ima izuzetno razvijenu faunu, mnogo drveća kestena i hrasta.
Mene je ulazak u Palaios podsetio na gradić Hobita;
Male i uske ulice krase kuće od kamena i drveta i brdo taverni sa svih strana. Sve u tom mestu je autentično, jednstveno, tradicionalno i živo.
Taverne koje se tamo nalaze imaju svoja "tajna mesta", pa ako imate sreće sedećete na verandi i večerati s neodoljivim pogledom na..... Čekajte! Idem dalje...
Preko puta taverni nalazi se Pravoslavna crkva u kojoj samo par sveća umesto svetiljki gori i otvorena je za sve ljude dobre volje, čini me non-stop.
Šetajući se gore - dole tim puteljcima, naišla sam na jednu klupicu sa jastucima koja je u sklopu privatne kuće. Iz nekog razloga, euforije valjda i radoznalosti, provirila sam kroz prozor kada sam čula dubok muški glas koji mi se obraća na jeziku koji ne razumem. Srećom, moj prijatelj Giannis je bio sa mnom te mi je objasnio da nas je taj stariji Gospodin upravo poznao unutra kako bi nam pokazao svoj skromni dom.
S te i ove tačke gledišta ne znam da li sam bila više zbunjena ili posramljena zbog svoje radoznalosti. Ali, Grci su poznati po svom gostoprimstvu i velikodušnosti mada ova situacija u 22h uveče nije bila nimalo očekivana. Bar ne u mom svetu.
Naime, po samom našem ulasku u dom pojavila se i supruga dotičnog gospodina, pomalo začuđena ali nasmejana, onako iskreno.
Tu, na njihovom maternjem jeziku su se predstavili jedni drugima, mene nepoznatog prezimena iz zemlje Srbije za koju su čuli još onomad kada su starom Jugoslavijom prolazili autoputem do Nemačke, gde su radili.
Gospođa me uhvatila za ruku i povela stepeništem na gornju platformu kako bi mi pokazala stari nameštaj i njene staro-grčke vežene posteljine koje i dan-danas čuva. Sve u toj kući miriše na staro. Na jako staro. Na tradicionalno. I na ljubav. Ljubav prema onome odakle se i kome dolazi.
Otvorili su mala vrata kroz koja čak i ja jedva mogu da prođem i kroz uski prolaz od drveta (terasa) kako bi me izveli na verandu. Ne shvatate, to nije bilo kakva veranda.
Drvena, u kući od kamena, opasana vinovom lozom kroz koju se pruža pogled na more, na celu Olimpsku regiju od Soluna do Platamona, i na Halkidiki. (to su ta "tajna" mesta u tavernama - s pogledom) Mislim, samo se zrikavci čuju.
Jedva smo ih ubedili da je kasno za širenje gostoprimstva i da nas puste da nastavimo svojim putem. Svako je ispričao svoju priču, naravno, osim mene koja sam se sve vreme oduševljeno smejala i ispričala sve o sebi na taj način, Zapravo o njima i o tome kako su učinili da se osećam kao neko ko ne govori njihov jezik, kao neko koga ne znaju , a koga su ipak primili u svoju kuću i podelili svoju intimu. Fotografija je ispričala sve jezike koje znamo i ne znamo, a meni ništa više od same činjenice da sam deo tog trenutka, nije trebalo.
Isprativši nas sa osmehom i iskonskim sjajem u očima, uživaju tamo kao i svakog leta.
shvatih da je to sve što je potrebno za jedan savršen život; Inostrana penzija (ha,ha!), kuća na zen lokaciji poput te, neko sa kim ćete sve to doživeti i srce otvoreno za sve i svakoga.

Palaios Panteleimonas is a mountain village restored in the nineties. With 500m altitude view that stretches to Thermaikos bay is divine.
 The road trough Olympus, which leads to the village has a well developed fauna, many chestnut trees and oaks.
In the entrance the Palaios reminded me on Hobbit's little place;
Small and narrow streets adorn the house of stone and wood, and taverns all around. Everything in this place is authentic, simple, traditional and lively.
Tavern therein have their "secret places", so if you are lucky you will be sitting on the porch and have dinner with a view of the irresistible ..... WAIT! In a minute...

So, across the street from the taverns, there is Orthodox Church in which only a few candles instead of lamps are burning and it's open to all people of good will.
Walking up and down these paths, I came across a bench with cushions which is part of a private house. For some reason, I guess euphoria and curiosity, I peeked out the window when I heard a deep male voice that speaks to me in a language I do not understand. Fortunately, my friend Giannis was with me and he explained that the older gentleman just invited us inside to show us his modest home.
From this point of view, and these at the time, I don't know if I was more confused or embarrassed about my curiosity. But the Greeks are wellknowned for their hospitality and generosity, although this situation at 10pm in the evening wasn't expected. At least not in my world.
Soon by our entrance into the home, the wife of that gentleman appeared, a bit surprised but smiling.

There, in their language, they were introduced to each other, Me with some strange surname from the land of Serbia they have heard more recently while passing through old Yugoslavia along the highway to Germany, where they worked.
Ms. grabbed my arm and took the stairs to the upper platform to show me her old furniture and old-Greek embroidered linen which even today preserves. Everything in the house smells of old. At the very old. On traditional. And of love. Love for what, from where and whom to come.
They opened the back door of the porch through which even I can barely pass through the narrow passage of wood (terrace) out on the veranda. You don't understand, this is not just any porch.
Wood, in a house of stone, surrounded by grape vines that you can see the sea through, the whole Olympian region of Thessaloniki to Platamonas, and Halkidiki. (These are the "secret" places in taverns - view) I mean, just hear the crickets.WOW!
We barely managed to convince them that it was late for the spread of hospitality and to let us continue on our way. Everyone told his story, of course, except me who was all the time enthusiastically laughed and  I told all about myself in that way, actually about them and how they made me feel like someone who doesn't even speak their language. As someone they recieved into their home and with whom they shared their intimacy with.
Photography speaks all the languages ​​that we do and don't know, and nothing more than the fact that I was part of that moment, was enough to me.
They greet us with a smile and genuine glow in their eyes, and went back to thir reality to enjoy there as every summer.
I realized that this is all you need for a perfect life; Foreign pension (ha ha!), House in the Zen location like that, someone with whom you are going to experience all of that and heart open to everything and everyone.

Naravno da ovo nije kraj mog post-a o Platamonu i regionu, ali za sada ću ga ostaviti otvorenim za dopunjavanje utisaka koje ću moći da podelim sa Vama.
Ovo je bilo jedno od najlepših letovanja, avantura, u mom životu. Tako neplanirano i neočekivano, a opet predivno! :) 
Neizmerno sam zahvalna svim mojim drugarima koji su učinili da ova avantura bude još uzbudljivija, što su me sproveli kroz najlepše delove koje regija može da ponudi, a koje čak ne mogu ni da opišem i što su me raširenih ruku prihvatili kao deo njihovog svakodnevnog žvota. I naučili me da su jednostavne stvari  životu, bez obzira na finansijsku moć koju imaju, najbitnije. I da je PLAŽA ŽIVOT! :)
Thesalia je izuzetno bogata oblast sa odličnom pozicijom za dalja istraživanja ka Atini, Skiatosu i mnogim drugim mestima. Potrebno je samo da ponesete dobro rapoloženje, pozitivne vibracije i misli. Da slušate svoj um i pratite Sunce.
Jednostavne stvari u životu nas čine mnogo boljim osobama prema nama samima i prema drugima, stoga zanemarite sve materijalne brige i probleme i posvetite maksimalnu pažnju svojim realnim potrebama i svom duhu i telu. 

Vidimo se na nekom novom putovanju, vrlo brzo.

Ljubim Vas


Certainly this is not the end of my post about PLATAMON and the region, but for now I'll leave it open for refilling impressions that I will be able to share with You.
This was one of the most beautiful summer, adventure in my life. Thus, unplanned and unexpected, yet beautiful! :)
Thessaly is an extremely rich area with an excellent position for further research to Athens, Skiathos and many other places. 
I am immensely grateful to all my friends who have made this adventure even more exciting, as I marched through the most beautiful parts of that region can offer, which I can't even describe, and I had been accepted with their open arms as part of their everyday life. 
And I learned that the simple things in life, regardless of financial power they have, are the most important. And that life is a BEACH! :)
You just have to take good swings, positive vibes and thoughts. To listen to your mind and JUST follow the sun.
The simple things in life make us a much better person, to ourselves and to others, so ignore all material worries and problems and devote maximum attention to your real needs and your spirit and body.

See you in a new journey, very quickly.



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